Okay, so my Dad doesn't like the fact that I'm always on the internet, which would be fine with me if he knew why I'm always here, and tried to fix it, and came up wirth some reasons why I shouldn't always be on it. He always brings up "You're gonna get blood clots" but I'm never still enough. I pace, shake my legs, move my arms, tap my fingers, I'm always moving something. He says "go make friends" but we just moved where I am, and I don't know anyone. Does he want me to just knock on doors, and ask people if they have any 14 year old children. He says "exercise" he should give me a reason why. I know I'm not healthy, mny family has a history of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, but honestly, until it happens to me I'm not gonna try and prevent it. To be honest, if this kills me, at least I know the thing that killed me was caused by happiness. Like I've tried losing weight, and it doesn't work for me. My brother is less active than I am, and he's skinny as a twig. My whole family is big, non of us are really skinny except for him. He wants me to be social, but I am. Right here, where I'm not judged, where people have similar interests, where I can tell people things, where I fit in. Like I feel out of place everywhere, except for the internet,. I'm addicted to the internet, I know I am but not severely. Like I will experience withdrawal, but after a week or so. If he asjked me why I stayed here, if he try and fixed those things, maybe I would. But this is the best place for me. It's where I belong, and I don't want that to change.