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 Bri-chan's Characters (WIP)

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-11-14

Bri-chan's Characters (WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Bri-chan's Characters (WIP)   Bri-chan's Characters (WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2011 12:17 am


Name: Aries C Everson (Or Ace)
Age/Birthday: 18/ April 13th, 1994
Gender: Male

God Parent:
Claimed: Yes or No
Mortal Family: Mother - Suzanna Everson (deceased)

Years in Camp: N/A (First Year)

Brief History: At least 4 sentences. Be sure to include details!

Physical Appearance: Aries has reddish-brown hair that is slightly spiky on the sides and the back, it reaches down to the nape of his neck. His eyes are an intellignet shade of steely-blue. Aries is tall and muscular but his skin is slightly pale, he is about 6' 7" tall.

Personality: At least 4 sentences. Be sure to include details!

Fatal Flaw: Aries is, unfortunately, very short tempered and he doesn't like people bossing him around, therefore, he tends to ignore them
Pets: N/A
Talents: Archery, swimming, climbing, stratagy (Is bad at cooking so don't let him cook...he burns the food)
Weapons: For long range, a long bow and arrows. For shorter range, a silver dagger he keeps up his sleeve
Year-Round or Summer: Year-Round

Other: Aries prefers to be called Ace and always introduces himself as Ace
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Bri-chan's Characters (WIP)
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