I snorted, grabbed the dress off the rack she had put it back on and pushed it into her arms. "Take it, Amber," I smiled. The dress suited her so much I was a little jealous. It complemented her exactly, and clung to her frame. "I'll pay for it." She took out another dress, and offered it to me.
"Vintage?" I squealed. "How did you know I love vintage dresses?" I took it from her and twirled it, looking at it from all angles. It was pretty, almost too pretty for me to take. Slinging it over my forearm, my eyes widened as I saw two dresses on similar racks, hanging as if just waiting for me to come.
Immediately, I stalked over to them, lest they be snatched up before I could take them, and held one out for Amber. "This one would match your streak!" (http://allwomenstalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/7-pretty-pink-dresses-to-wear-on-valentines-day/thai-iced-tea-dress_7-pretty-pink-dresses-to-wear-on-valentines-day.jpg) What do you think of this one for me? (http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4n5f2OQAd1qcwjrio1_400.jpg)"