I'm proud to say...that this is...
MY 1000 POST!!!!!!!
Also, I'd like to show you, oh, I don't know, THE BEST IQ GAME EVER!!
http://freeweb.siol.net/danej/riverIQGame.swfSupposidly, it's in Japanese, but I'm not sure. To start, you click the big blue round button.
~The dad cannot be with the two daughters unless the mother is there
~The mom cannot be with the two sons unless the dad is there
~The Prisinor cannot be with any of the family members unless the police officer is there
~Only the three adults (Mom, Dad, Police officer) can man the boat
~Someone has to be on the boat to move it.
~Only two people can be on the boat at a time.
The goal is to bring all of the people from one side to the other. I can do it, but can you??