Have you ever felt like you haven't found your perfect match yet?
Or maybe you know that your special someone is out there, yet you've never found them yet?
Well here's your chance! Just take this simple, quick quiz and I'll match you up with your perfect match and bring the couple to a romantic date!
So here's how it works.
For every women, there must be a man. If there are 4 women, and only 1 man, and there are no matches, we can't do anything until 3 more men sign up. So what we suggest (you don't have to do it), is you sign up one of your girl characters, and one of your guy characters, so it's even, and there are matches for everybody! Now just fill out this short form, and you'll have your match in no time!
Ideal Age range for partner:
God parent, and what it it the god of?:
Preferred physical appearance of partner:
Physical appearance of self:
What are your interests?:
Do you like Day or Night?:
How about Animals or Children?:
Take this quiz:
http://www.5lovelanguages.com/assessments/personal-profiles/?profiletype=singles(you can skip the first step)
Then tell us what your answer is.
Thank you for taking this quiz, and you'll be with your perfect match in no time!