Hey everybody! So, I recently got my laptop taken away because my mother got mad at me for walking to my old school to visit without telling anyone before hand. Stinks, right? Well, there's a some-what dim bright side to this. I will still be able to RP. I'll still be checking in on the Muses Cabin. I don't want you to think I'm leaving because of this because that's not what's happening. I'll be role-playing from my phone and from my iPod (like the times before I didn't have a laptop yet), I just won't be logging onto the chatbox (which is really bumming me out) but I'll still be RP-ing. I just didn't you guys to think I was ignoring y'all or not talking or something. And since my mom can't be a normal mom, she won't tell me when I'll get my laptop back. It could be a week or a month; I don't exactly know, but I hope it's not for very long. But when I do get it back, I'll log onto the chat A.S.A.P. M'kay? So I'm gonna miss you guys and I hope to talk to you soon!