other wise known as "peppy"
Full of or characterized by energy and high spirits or lively is the right definition of pep.
Usage in a sentence ;
Angela was so full of pep: tonight was homecoming.
Other wise known as british.
Someone who is from Britian (ie Scotland, England, Wales. NOT Northern Ireland, as Britian and the UK aren't the same.)
They actually spell honour and colour correctly, as that is how the words are spelt in their language. The Americans don't incorrectly spell color and honor, because that's how they spell it in their language (contrary to popular belief, Americans don't speak English, they speak American: a bastardization of the former). Oh, and English isn't the only language spoken in Britian, what about Welsh?
A Brit has a unique sense of humour which they often resort to at solemn times. They're basically exactly the same as everyone else on the planet, except for small differences.
Usage in a sentence;
Ninja is a brit; she lives in England.
That shall be all;