A staggeringly tall half Indian hottie walks in, a smirk on his face. pulling someone behind him
Hello. My name is James Brahm. We were told this would be the best place for us to go, being Son and Daughter of an unknown and a minor titaness, Ananke. This is the Ever lovely Arese.
A small, light haired girl steps forward. She is only tall enough to reach his mid chest, but he bends down to give her a kiss. she flushes, then grabs his hand.
Yes, Yes, I'm Arese. We Just got here,so we don't know exactly what to do.
James took the tiny girls backpack and tossed it over his own shoulder, then pulled her in front of him.
We happen to be together, If that wasn't to obvious.
Arese flushed again, but did not try and free herself.