"Thrice of demigods must find the key,
To a garden mother's immortality.
One must have the power of song,
And knowledge and nature must thine others belong."
This prophecy from the great oracle in the basement has been issued to Kenz Cummings (my girl). She possesses the power of song, and the power of knowledge and nature belong to Melina Riley Johnson (Bre Bre's character)and Burr Field (Hannah of the Forge's charee), respectively. They all have the esteemed honor of finding Demeter's rake. Woopee.
Back to reality. I asked both Bre Bre and Hannah of the Forge if they wanted to do a quest, and they said yes. If this is too big for a first quest, I'll modify it. I hope I'm not making the rake seem overpowered, because its not. It just has sentimental value (I don't know why, but those details can be smoothed out later).
Do you accept?
I need an Admin's approval on this.