I approach the minor titan, way too cocky. My sword gleams in the light, and I figure I can send him back to Tartarus. With my sword ready, I disregard another huntresses warning. She tells me it isn't safe for any of us, including Artemis to fight this titan, while he has almost gained back all of his strength. He towers over me, and I look up. My immorality is gone, since I am in battle. I face him with a smile. "You think your so tough?" I switch my weapon in a flash and soon have my bow. I pull it back, but feel a sharp, impossible pain hit my chest. I look at Artemis for reassurance, but her eyes are filled with tears. The titan had left, and the huntresses were alone with Artemis. I smile at Artemis to make her feel better, but everyone else seems sad, too. I look away and up at the sky, hoping to see Olympus. Instead I see a bright light, and I reach for it, thinking my dad is opening up a portal to his godly world. Soon I only see black, and know I am dead.