The archer gazed out over the moor, her eyes and ears raking over the grassy marsh. She stood on top of a hill underneath a half-moon with her bow gleaming with the slight, silver light of the moon. The girl gave a flick of her head, her raven-black hair spilling down her back. A sharp wind picked up from the north blowing a cold wind across her back, sending shivers down her back. She glanced downwards at the murkiness of the wasteland. Its gnarled trees and dead, black bushes gave it a creepy theme. Almost like a herd of zombies would pop out of the woods at any second and try to attack her. Of course, most of the world's undead were completely taken care of... thanks to her. The petite, raven-haired girl took a step forward, pressing the arch of her foot against the soft, wet ground hearing an unpleasant squish. She grimaced with that sound. She'd never enjoyed that before.
Quickly, the girl slid her black hood up, letting the front drop over her warm, amber eyes. Plus the hood kept the harsh wind of her face. She pulled the string on her bow taut and pointed it at the ground, walking stealthily along the moor. "This will definitely be a long pilgrimage," she muttered to herself with a strange accent in her voice. It almost sounded German, but not quite as hard. She continued on, stalking the horizon with her eyes occasionally. The entire way along the trip, the girl had a bit of time just to think back on her previous kills. Each of them living on in absolute infamy.