name: Caleb Walker
age: January 29, 200
Parent: Athena
Years in camp: 6 years
Caleb was born January 29, 200. Life was tough for Caleb because of his Mothers drinking, and super bussy
Dad. At age Three, he saw his Father killed by a furrie. The Walker family lost all their money in a Casino, forcing Caleb to be taken out of custody of his mother. Since no one will take him because of his Father,
he was put into a adoption center, who did not believe any tales of him seeing monsters. One night while trying to escape, a Satry found him and led him to camp.
Appearance: Dark brown hair and pale eyes. Has a necklace for good luck and keeps a book wears all back. Has scar on neck from fighting a Dracnea.
personality: is stubborn and sarcasic an usually has a mood, but is blissful and caring if you get to know him. Gets into fights offten. Hates noise so is often in woods. Is quiet and dosen't talk much.
fatal flaw: stuborness.
Pets: none
talents: Stealth and sword fighting.
stays year round