I hobbled up to the cabin. My new home. After the dramatics of my claiming, and spending three days in a coma, I just wanted someplace to call home. My ankle was still very painful, and my wrist still bandaged. The huge plaster that had been on my head was only removed today, and instead the Apollo kids had given my a smaller one. Two days after I woke up, and they were letting me come to my new home.
I took a deep breath and sighed. Slowly, and carefully, I made my way up the steps. And then I opened the door.
There wasn't many people inside. I felt really selfconcious walking in, all bandaged, and carrying only one small bag. My other one was being brought over later by Buffy. She was helping me, and I was grateful. I ambled over to an un-occupied bed, and plopped down my rucksack. Then I sat down myself. I lay back on the pillow, and started to pull at my wrist's bandage, deep in thought.
The day I woke up, I had heard a whisper. I still hadn't worked out what it was. And that same day, I was able to move crutches across the room. I hadn't been able to do it since, but I still thought about it. What did it mean?
That was when I heard the whisper again.
Watch me dance, it said.
What is it? I looked around, and realized no-one had spoken. The only thing that seemed to be moving was a flckering candle on the bedside table. I leant over a blew it out. There. Nice and dark in my corner of my new home.