I am not lying about my parents. Whatsoever. I didn't cry for 30 minutes non stop about a lie online. I barely see my dad for 4 days a week. He comes home every two weeks. He works in Chicago and Las Vegas, and he's going to be gone for my big orchestra concert (May 4th), the family reunion, and my sisters birthday. My mom, sister, and I were at iHop this morning (got chocolate chip pancakes, too big to eat) and my mom asked me what we thought of my dad being gone all the time
'It kinda feels like the divorce situation, it's us... then him over there.'
and we had a long conversation about how we were drifting. My dad is starting to feel like we're his second family. He stays the night at other's houses. 'Oh, we're going out to eat to celebrate.' and he didn't come back for two days. I love my dad so much.
I'm not lying about being adopted. Tecnically I'm not adopted, but I just have a step-mom more likely. I can't believe that a lot of you guys are thinking this is all a lie. It's not. Sooner or later you will be seeing my moms house and my dads house.
It's not a lie.