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 Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!

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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 17, 2011 10:19 pm

Kale was running as fast as he possibly could, and he was insanely fast. But the hissing of the snake clawed into his ears and the image of his father being crushed by the snake slithered into his thoughts. He tried to push it all away, but it wouldn't work. Everything bad that ever happened to him just seemed to hit him all at once, but why now? Why does it have to be now! He was told going this way would lead him Somewher safe, but Kale thought it all just looked like woulds. Finally, he just dropped to his knees and screamed. He had just been claimed by Nyx, but he was still going to be crushed, same as his father. He didn't know his knew ring could turn into a scythe and easily tear it to pieces."Help! Anyone!", he shouted. He just wanted to live.
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Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 1:18 am

It was nighttime and I was enjoying some red wine. I was gulping it down just outside of camp with my blade in hand. I felt like doing something cool, like I don't know, killing evil monsters or saving a cute girl or seeing if I would survive swimming in that lava pit. That last option had sounded good when I had then heard someone cry for help. Now right THERE was where my thrill was. I quickly drank down the last of the bottle and went dashing with my blade in hand. I swear to drunk I wasn't God, just a little tipsy that's all. "HEY SERPENT! BEWARE OF MY BLADE!" I jumped in front of some guy who was crouching down. I think it was a guy anyway. I wasn't about to check. The beast and I stood eye to eye and toe to toe. I had my trusty blade in hand and I was ready to kick some butt. Thus begin our epic battle.
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PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 5:30 am

Ava was running towards the Camp at fast as she could, hoping that none of the monsters she had heard about had found her until she heard shouting in the woods ahead of her. Afraid, she began to move cautiously with her ordinary steel knife in hand. She eventually found the source of the shouting: Someone was fighting a giant snake.
She considered running to get help but instead decided to watch him fight. After all, a snake shouldn't be too hard for a demigod to defeat.
She settled into a comfortable position to watch the fight in a tree with her dog until she heard a rustling of leaves beneath her.
It was the hellhound following her.
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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 9:41 am

Oh joy. A drunk to the rescue. I knocked the whine glass out of his hand and stood up." Dude, I think I, have a better chance. And I'm weaponless. All I have is this ring my father gave me before he died.", I held it up, and then, it glowed, and turned into a 5.5 ft long Scythe with a gold blade. "Woah! Sweet!", I yell, holding it ready in a battle stance. The huge serpent was all coiled up, about 25 feet tall, and it's body was about 9ft in diameter. I looked up at it's hugeness."Alright, get ready to fight, tipsy.", I addressed the guy as tipsy 'cause he was drunk and I had no idea what his name was.
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Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 11:00 am

I realized that the guy thought I was drunk. Silly newbie. I had the wine bottle in my hand knocked out. Ah well, it was empty anyway. "Nah, I'm totally just tipsy. It's Dell." I then threw up on a spot next to me. "Yea, totally just tipsy." I went charging it with my blade at hand. The serpent hissed and tried sinking its fangs into my fleshy body. I quickly dodged and went poking my sword at its eye. I managed to get it injured. ...Well, moreso pissed off than injured. I then went into battle stance again. Suddenly I was seeing blurs of stuff. I ran quite literally blind towards the beast, only to get whacked away. Well ow, that hurt. I couldn't feel my legs.
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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 11:18 am

~Yay POV switch!

I was beginning to panic. There was a hellhound beneath me, the supposedly experienced camper had just been knocked down and now the only one with a decent weapon was the clearly inexperienced one. The hellhound didn't seem to be doing anything though, just sitting there waiting for me. "Best to just sit this one out and hope the scythe kid can sort it out." I thought positively.
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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 2:05 pm

"Yah, clearly.", Kale said as Dell threw up. Wow, that stuff reeked. "You're definitely not drunk.", then, the guy went charging at the snake, just poking at it, injuring it a little, but just getting it pissed. Then, he tipsily ran at the beast, and got smacked aside like a fly that was being a nuisance. This is when Kale's battle skills kicked in. He bended the night air so the snake saw 4 of Kale. Confused, it lashed out, but to no avail. Kale then jumped over it's head that just slammed into the ground, trying to bite him, and in mid air, flipped over and poked it's eye out, then ran a very deep slash half way down it's body. Kale then dodged a flick of it's tail, so it just hit itself in the head, knocking one of it's large fangs out. Blood was all over it's face, it was missing a fang, it was just swiping blindly all over the place. He just lifted up his scythe, and pierced it's head, and it slowly disintegrated into gold dust. Kale picked up the fang to keep as a souvenir, the walked over to help up Dell.
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Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 2:29 pm

(GG, Sleepy, GG.)

I was groaning when I saw a hand (or at least I thought it was) sticking out towards me. I grabbed it and I was pulled back up onto my feet. I was swaying unsteadily. "Ha ha, maybe I did have a little too much red wine..." Even so I wished that I had more on me right at that moment. Now that the giant snake was gone, the new guy was going to need a tour. "Alright, the serpent's gone. At least I think so." I smacked myself several times in an attempt to get my vision corrected. The scene became less blurry. "Yep! I can see now that that beast has been turned to dust! Well alright then, now that that's settled, it's clear to me that you are a demigod. Come on now, follow me to camp. And don't worry, it takes much more wine for me to pass out completely." I began walking in the direction of Camp Half Blood. Time to show this newbie the way. I was willing to give him a tour of the place too, even though I just wanted to go back to my cabin and get even more drunk.
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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 4:59 pm

The drunk guy wanted to give him a tour? Oh joy. "I think I'll find someone else, thank you.", I say moving away." You can just go drink some more. I'll find someone else.". Kale hated being around people, never mind drunks. Maybe someone sober and wouldn't be a bother or overly happy could give him a tour. He walked into the camp boundaries and took in so much at once. Kids sword fighting and practicing archery, climbing a moving rock wall. Wait, was that LAVA?!?!. A Colosseum, dining pavilion, huge building, Gods, so much to do!
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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 9:01 pm

"Well this a huge problem" I began to think.
"They left before I could call out to them! Now I'm stuck up here with a giant dog under me!"
Panicking, I slipped and fell out of the tree onto the ground in front of the hellhound.
Naturally, I immediately threw my knife at it and ran for the camp, shouting as I ran.
I knew that the hellhound could catch up and hoped that one of the campers I had seen could save me from it. Hopefully the Scythe kid. The drunkard wouldn't be much help.
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Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

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Location : Nani?

Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 9:14 pm

I was stumbling as I tried to catch up to the new guy when I then heard something from the distance. I glanced back. Through my blurred vision I saw somebody and a dog-looking thing. Hellhound. Had to be. I quickly charged back in with blade in hand. The serpent was a failure, but this hellhound wouldn't be! I went slashing away with my blade. The hellhound roared at me. It lurched out and tried to bite me. I did a drunken twirl and stabbed the beast through its neck. The beast bled and roared. We continued on this battle, me doing some rather lucky shots for a drunk. (Though I was really just tipsy.) I then did some sloppy cuts and it was finished. I cheered before falling over. I stumbled back up and called out to the other person. "Hey, I think it's dead! I see dust and stuff! Let's go!" I lifted my blade up and went walking towards camp, stumbling as I went and seeing nothing but blurs.
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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 11:37 pm

I stared at him, mouth open, wondering how he had managed to kill it...while drunk. Maybe he wasn't such a terrible fighter after all? But that didn't matter right now, he was walking away and I didn't want be left alone...and neither did my dog. I thought I could hear a party in the distance somewhere.
"Hey, wait for me!" I called to him while I ran.

Last edited by RykThrall on Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 20, 2011 6:19 pm

"Would ya hurry up then! My Gods, people saying I'm drunk and I'm moving faster than them!" I was making my way up to camp. I was kind of stumbling as I walked. My vision was becoming even more blurry. Oh great. Well at least I could tell where I was going. Been drunk around camp long enough to remember. Though quite honestly I could handle more alcohol. I could probably take some more wine. My immunity to it was great. Probably helped that Dionysus, the god of wine, was my dad. He was also camp leader and everyone called him by Mr. D. I never really talked to him though. So we were at camp, so I found it necessary to speak. "Welcome to Camp Half Blood, home of...well, half bloods. There are some creatures here like nymphs and stuff too. Bunch of things you can do around here and everyone stays in cabins over there. Each represents the Greek Gods and Goddesses and stuff. So like yeah. I'm in that Italian villa looking one." I heard music coming from inside. Oh yeah, we were having some party or whatever. Forgot that's where I got the red wine from.
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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2011 5:42 am

I looked at the drunk guy, then at the huge villa, then at the rest of the camp. I realised that he must be a son of my father, Dionysus, and that the villa must be my...cabin? That would also mean that the guy was my half-brother? "Better not to think about this drunk wreck" I thought.
"But he's a pretty nice guy I suppose and a party in my new cabin? I could use a good drink"

I said to the guy "Hey, is there a party going on in our cabin? We should go there, get a good drink and get drunk!" I pulled out what remained of the one wine bottle I had from months ago from my journey across America and took a quick sip. I offered it to the guy just in case he wanted some.
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Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

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Age : 29
Location : Nani?

Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2011 10:27 am

I might've not been sober, but I totally caught that 'our' in that statement. "Dude, you're Dionysus's kid too?! Awesome! Get your butt over here then! There's plenty more wine!" I rushed toward the cabin in a drunken stupor. There were loads of people and whatnot partying inside the villa. "Not everybody here's a Dionysus kid. A lot of campers like to come to our wild parties. We actually don't have that many people staying here. I hope you don't mind noise. We're often having some form of party, especially when we get a lot of wine from those fields over there." I pointed over at the strawberry fields. "There's also a corner there with grapes. That's our little corner to chill out at." I entered in the cabin, glancing back at the chick behind me. Music was blaring from an unknown source and people were dancing, fooling around, and getting drunk. I would introduce the girl as the new half-sister to the siblings I saw hanging around the cabin. Then we reached where all the wine was kept. I also noticed somebody had gotten some other drinks, most likely from the city or from one of the creatures around camp. "Come on, take some drinks and let's PARTY!"
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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 23, 2011 9:31 am

I grinned and willingly grabbed a drink off the table, discarding my old, tattered bottle for some good vintage white. I may be a tad young but I could definitely keep it down! If this was what Dionysus' cabin did every day, this 'Camp Half-Blood' place was going to be real fun. And maybe I could even score myself a boyfriend at some point too! Never though that'd ever happen, not since Mom died.

I realised that my rescuer was still around and I thanked him.
"Hey, uh, thanks for everything...." I mumbled in front of him.
I decided that I needed to know his name. After all, may as well get friendly with my new sibling.
"By the way, what's your name?" I asked.

~Continue in Cabin?~
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Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

Rhyme: Goddess of Nyan

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Location : Nani?

Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 23, 2011 6:04 pm

(Was going to do a new thread but I decided to just continue here.)

I went and grabbed another drink and gulped it down. This party was great! Then again all of our parties were pretty much. The Dionysus kids had some memorable moments at the parties we had. Pretty much every day was a party for us. "Not a prob! Name's Hakuro, but no one calls me that. Everyone calls me Dell. I remember when I first came here. This satyr helped me out and stuff. Then he brought me to the place, I met Dad in his office, and then joined my cabin mates. Everyone here's pretty chill and stuff. I'm probably one of the oldest campers here age wise." I grabbed another drink. "Oh, did I tell you already that our dad runs Camp Half Blood? Not sure if I did or not. Kinda forgot. But like yeah, you'll have a blast." I took another drink of wine. Man this stuff was good. My vision turned even more blurry and I was feeling hot. I also felt like doing something like dancing or something.
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Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 24, 2011 7:29 am

"That's a pretty cool name...Dell" I said overly cheerfully. I gulped down some of the quality grape wine I had picked up and snaked down my throat into my stomach. My head began to hurt slightly but I felt like I wanted to dance and dance all night. I ran onto the dance floor and began to dance.

Camp Half-Blood was an awesome place to be.
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PostSubject: Re: Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale!   Woah that's a big snake! Enter Kale! I_icon_minitime

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